I am taking a short break from blogging , will be back in a month or so. In the next couple of weeks we will be packing our stuff and moving to the new house we bought, which thankfully is not so far away from where we are living now. Until I see you all again, take care and have fun !
Here is a cake I made two years ago, my first attempt to make a sugar bow. The bow is handmade out of sugar paste, trimmed with gold luster dust.

It is a gorgeous and elegant cake!
Archana, congrats on your new house! Look forward to seeing you again, in the meantime I'll be missing you!
Congrats on your new house. We will miss your blog. Looking forward to seeing you guys sometime soon.
Archana, congrats on the new house! You must be very excited! Lots of luck with the move!
That sugar bow is mind-blowing. I find it hard to believe that it's not made from fabric! Is it edible? Or is it removed when you cut the cake?
Lovely Cake..Congrats on your new house!
Oh my goodness, Archana... if that is a "first attempt", you are really in the wrong line of work. How about your own cake decorating school??? Forget "decorating", how about cake art! Simply amazing!
Good luck moving, and wishing you all happiness in your new home :)
congrats archana and i will surely miss u:)
donno what to say abt the cake. the bow looks like real satin one. as usual i am floored:)
Archana, Congrats and Good Luck on the new house and move. Take it easy.
The cake I am "speechless". Did you save it someplace?(no would not have the heart to cut it) it is beautiful.
Hi Archana,
Cake looks nice. Congrats on your new house.
Fabulous cake as always Archana!!YUM!!
Have a great time and a break.
New house!!:)) I know it's lot work to move in and decorate,so good luck and best wishes!:)
Hi Archana,
You did a great job in your first attempt to make the sugar paste bow.. :-)
Congrats for your new house....
I have seen your blog many times. Your cakes are really amazing. Your decorating ideas are very good. Your blog inspired me a lot, which resulted in me creating a blog on cooking. And why don’t you post your cake recipes, especially your icing method and recipes. And did u go for any classes for cake decoration?
Hey, Congrats to u & T! Setting up a new house is hell lot of work but at the same time its the most gratifying one too. Make it a beautiful place :)
Cant believe its ur first attmept at that bow! It looks just perfect.Looks like a neatly wrapped gift :)
Have fun!
Congrats on your new house.
congratulations on your new home.will see you when you get back.love the cake and bow.
Gorgeous Archana. You are an artist by birth. If this was your first attempt you were perfect in your very fist attempt. Beautiful picture as always and congrats on your new house. Happy time packing and then unpacking and arranging. I am surely gonna miss your lovely posts.
Congrats, Archana. Enjoy you move and decorating your new home.
Beautiful cake!!
Hi Archana,let me first congratulate you on your new house!I hope this turns out to be the dream house for you!Goodluck with the moving too.
your cake looks awesome,as usual.Can't believe that bow is made out of sugar paste.I think I will start experimenting with sugar paste too now!
Thats good news Archana..congrats on ur new home and wish u the best.
Cake looks awesome.
Archana - The cake looks as beautiful as the others. Congratulations on your new house. I hope you will give us a tour of your new place once you're settled. Good Luck with the move.
Congratulations ! Enjoy your move.
Beautiful cake Archana!
Congratulations to you on your new home! Happy moving, see you soon from your new kitchen.
Congratulations on your new house,Archana! The sugar paste bow looks awesome!
are u settled in your new house ?
The cake looks awesome! Cogratulations on your new house!!:)
Wishing you all happiness and prosperity in your new home!
Wow! That bow is unbelievable! You are the God(dess) of cake decorating!! You should be holding classes - you really don't already?! I bow to you!
Really, no one would have the heart to cut it! Who did you get to cut it and eat it?!
Am Laxmi, Moderator of the Indusladies website. Since there is no contact mail id, am posting it in the general section here.
www.IndusLadies.com is a global online community and discussion board for Indian ladies. We currently have 4000+ members, 15,000 unique visitors per day and 400,000 page views per month. We are interested in a link exchange with your site. Contact me at
laxmi.indus@gmail.com Look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.
OH my gawd
ur blog has so much amazing looking foodstuf ( err. sorry) but Yummy , i just wish I could be around!!
Dear Archana
I just came across your website while browsing. I am really impressed. It is so well done and you are very talented. I lovethe look of your cakes - beautiful. I know I will be trying many recipes from this site.
Dear Archana ,
Congrats and I whole heartedly wish it brings u good luck and prosperity.
Hello Archana, What an amazing blog! You are indeed very talented. I cant wait for you to come aboard again and stir up more wonderful creations. I enjoyed myself just ogling your baking marvels. You are literally nudging (actually poking hard) to get off my b*&% and do a little practicing of fondant flowers myself. Thanks for sharing!
BTW .. I am not a blogger just a casual visitor from Kuwait who dropped in your side and couldnt get away until every word was read.
Get back soon.. will ya?
Archana, it has been a month now! Now stop being lazy and start posting your wonderful recipes! :-)
Was checking...You did say 'short' break???
Archana, congrats on your new house..waiting to see your new recipes.come back soon..
The cake looks so professional, very good.
ഞാനും ഈ ബ്ലോഗിന്റെ സ്ഥിരം സന്ദര്ശകയാണ്
എനിക്ക് ഈ ബ്ലോഗ് വളരെ ഇഷ്ടപ്പെട്ടതാണ്. വളരെയധികം രുചിയുള്ള പാചകക്കുറിപ്പുകല് ഇവിടെയുണ്ട്.
ഞങ്ങള് ഈയിടെ ഒരു "മലയാളം പാചകക്കുറിപ്പുകളുടെ" ഒരു വെബ് സൈറ്റ് തുടങ്ങി.
സൗകര്യം പോലെ അവിടം സന്ദര്ശിക്കുക.
ഞങ്ങളുടെ വിലാസം
നിങ്ങള്ക്കിഷ്ടപ്പെട്ട വിഭവങ്ങളുമായി ഞങ്ങള് അവിടെ കാത്തിരിക്കുന്നുണ്ട്
വരുമല്ലോ ??.... ഞങ്ങള് കാത്തിരിക്കും
hi archana
this is chethana from MKU. hope u remember. thomas sir sent this link for me.
you are really a talented person. i saw all the dishes that made from you. beautiful pictures.
Thoams sir is very lucky to havea wife like you
U truly r a bakeogenius, cookogenius! photogenius etc ...all the genius's falling short to describe u!
I have to say that I do love all of your cakes,the lovely colour combi,the beautiful and intricate designing..the best detailing and bestest photography..plus resolving a puzzled mind which looks at the pics droolingly, thinking..how that must hv been made...wt simplifying narrations and tips with which u have done it! I hv to tell u that when i followed the links of Wilton decoration, i found that your work was much advanced and prettier than that shown by them!!!
u r truly W.O.N.D.E.R.F.U.L!!!
Best Regards,
Your cakes look so gorgeous!!! I wanted to ask you for a long time whether you took formal classes in cake decorations.I have recently started trying my hand in baking so wanted to know if all these decorations are do-able for a novice like me.There are some classes offered by local Michaels....so wanted to find out if they would benefit me.
Wilton classes at Micheals are so helpful, those are the only ones i ever took. Wish you all the best. Do check out this website too
Thanks a lot Archana :)
Thanks Archana for visiting my blog site and leaving encouraging words. It helps one to do more. I like your website and the way you have categorized food. I must say, i have to learn recipes from you and make them here in Botswana. Lets keep in touch to share our experiences on food.
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