We have something really precious up on our wall, thought i will share it with you. My mother spent many hours in the past two months making this elaborate cross stitch picture for us. I adore her persistence when it comes to doing crafts. She could come back to the same project every evening for many weeks and enjoy doing it till the last knot, a quality I seriously lacks. Ammachi, thank you, you are the best !
Pattern : Bucilla Mother and Child stitch kit
have to say vow! like mother like daughter - great artistic skills!
Its amazing, to say the least.
really awesome..shading is too good
Adorable work of your mother Archana. :) A very beautiful and thoughtful art indeed!
Oh...stunning. Now I know where the artistic hands of you come from! Hats off to your mom Archana!
Very very pretty!
hi arachana, i still cannot view the photos.. i am sure i m missing a great cross stitch piece here! pls... actually i am able to see the earlier pics... (the ones which made me a fan of ur blog) this prblm is with the recent ones... pls do something...
Beautiful! you are just like your mom!
Wow...It came out beautifullyand perfect framing too!!! Hats off to your mom Archana!!! This pattern is in my to do list...and she finished it in 2 months??? thats quit fast!
hi. tis is the first time i am visiting ur blog...u wont believe, i jus went thru each n every entry of urs...mindblowing pics...u r a true artist...hats offfff to u....
The apple does not fall far from the tree. Exquisitely done. In our home this particular Mother is the 'Sundari Maathavu'. It must be wonderful to have this stitched by your own Mom for you.
Just awarded you the Super scribblers award! Nice to have you blogging again! http://a-perfect-bite.blogspot.com/2009/08/super-scribblers-award-and-kick-in-butt.html
Rashmi, Nags,FLyaway Mind,Sonu, Nirmala,Rachel,Parita,Ria
My mother says thank you.
Green heart
Thank you for your nice words. I am sorry that you are not able to see the pics, i am not really sure what the problem is. Would you like to visit my public flickr album, where i have all the photos ?
I was also surprised that she was able to finish it in two months, especially so since she was taking care of my daughter during the day. She worked on it mostly in late nights. I am glad that you liked it. Thank you.
Welcome to this blog, i am glad that you are here. Thank you very much for your kind words.
Thank you for the compliment, and thanks a ton for telling me the name, we were kind of asking around to see if there is a specific name for the picture.
You are a sweetheart, thank you very much. I will be showing off my award very soon.
Adorable picture!! I loved it. That's a very beautiful mother mary and infant jesus!!
excellent work! the tones and the shades have come out well :) cheers to your mom.
Classic! I can see where you get your talent from Archana.
Amazing! Your mom is very talented and so are you. I've followed your blog, thank you for sharing your stories and recipes.
Wow! Wonderful! Looks very good. I don't know anything about stitching but my mom is quite interested in stitching,I could get her something like this. So you get a kit(with pictures) for doing this?
So beautiful Archana..really really nice.
Archana, it's amazing. So yours is a talented family, huh?
My mom loves to stitch too but I lack that ability. Is this available as a kit with instructions? I would like to get something like this for her, so please let me know.
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